Legal notice

  1. OBJECT.

The purpose of this document is to establish the General Conditions of Use of this site or website, hereinafter “Website”.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U., reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of Use in order to adapt them to the current legislation applicable at all times, the new jurisprudence and the usual market practices. Likewise, NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without prior notice, any modification or update of its contents and services, of these General Conditions of Use and in general, of how many elements make up the design and configuration of the Website.

These General Conditions of Use do not exclude the possibility that certain services of the Website, due to their particular characteristics, are subject, in addition to the General Conditions of Use, to their own particular conditions (hereinafter, the “Particular Conditions”).

The use by the User of any of the services of the Website implies their adherence to and express acceptance of all the General Conditions of Use, as well as the Particular Conditions that, where appropriate, are applicable.

Please, if when visiting our Website you detect any anomaly, failure or vulnerability, let us know.


This Website is owned by NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U., with CIF: B85232031. Figure registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 25,282, Folio 118, Page M-455201.

You can contact us through the email, by calling +34 676 961 971, or by going to our facilities.


3.1 Users.

Access to the Website of NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U., attributes the condition of “User”, which you accept from this moment on.

3.2 Need for Registration.

In general, to access the contents and services of the Website, the User Registration will not be necessary. However, the use and / or subscription to certain content and services may be subject to prior registration. This registration will be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the service itself or in the Particular Conditions that apply to it.

When it is necessary for the User to register or provide personal data in order to access any of the services, the provisions of the Privacy Policy section will apply.

3.3 Obligations of the User

The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the content and / or services offered by NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. It will be at his sole risk and responsibility.

In general, the User undertakes to comply with these General Conditions of Use and, where appropriate, the Particular Conditions that may be applicable, as well as comply with the special warnings or instructions for use contained therein or on the Website and Always act in accordance with the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using the appropriate diligence to the nature of the service you enjoy, refraining from using the Website in any way that may prevent, damage or deteriorate the normal operation of the same, the goods or rights of NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, SLU, its suppliers, the rest of the Users or in general of any third party.

To access the information contained in the Website and make use of the products and / or services offered, minors must first obtain permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be held responsible for the acts that lead to carry out the minors in their charge, in accordance with current regulations.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. reserves the right to withdraw all comments and contributions that violate respect for the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that threaten youth or childhood, order or public safety or that, in his opinion, they will not be suitable for publication.

In any case, NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. It will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by Users through communication applications or other participation tools.


All the intellectual property rights of this Website, as well as its contents (texts, graphics, images, photographs, videos, advertisements, slogans, brands, designs, icons and any other elements that you may find) are the exclusive property of NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, SLU, either under the ownership or licensing regime of the legitimate owner or holder of the exploitation rights.

The inclusion of any of these elements on our Website does not imply or imply the waiver, assignment, license or transmission of rights to any third party and much less, to the Users who may visit us. The transformation of the elements of this website is not allowed, unless previously authorized by NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U.

In general, the communication or distribution of links to our Website is allowed, provided that the attribution and ownership of NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. is identified. and the web domain.

If, as a User of this Website, you consider that any of the contents violates the intellectual property rights or any other right in force, please communicate it through any of the methods provided, by e-mail, by phone +34 676 961 971, or by contacting our facilities.

We inform you that NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. You may exercise your right as the owner of this Website, against improper uses.

  1. LINKS.

On this Website you will find links or hyperlinks to third party websites We want to draw your attention to the fact that NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. It has no influence or control over the contents and design of these and, therefore, is not responsible for the updating and / or quality of the information provided therein. Likewise, the inclusion of these external connections will not imply any type of association, merger or participation with the connected entities.


6.1 Availability and Continuity of the Website.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. has a web hosting with sufficient security measures to ensure integrity, availability and confidentiality.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. does not guarantee the correct functioning and availability of the Website, for 24 hours, 365 days. Consequently, NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. is exempt from any responsibility derived from incorrect operation or interruptions.

It is possible that technical shutdowns or periods of web unavailability should be scheduled for technical and security reasons. In any case, when possible, we will inform our Users and we will try to restore the web service in the shortest possible time.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. It is not responsible, within the limits established in current legislation, for damages of any kind that may be caused as a result of the unavailability, access failures and lack of continuity of the Website.

6.2 Contents and Services of NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. It will be liable solely and exclusively for the services it provides itself and for the content directly originated by NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. Said responsibility will be excluded in cases where force majeure occurs or in cases where the configuration of the User’s equipment is not adequate to allow the correct use of the Internet services provided by NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U.

6.3 Third Party Content and Services.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. does not previously control, approve or endorse the contents, services, opinions, communications, data, files, products and any kind of information of third parties, legal or natural persons, collected on the Website. Similarly, it does not guarantee the legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content, information and services of third parties on the Website.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. It will not be liable, indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any kind arising from the use and contracting of the content and services of third parties on the Website, as well as the lack of legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity. , accuracy, completeness and timeliness of these.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. It will not be liable, indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any nature caused to the User as a result of the presence of viruses or other elements in the content and services provided by third parties that may cause alterations in the computer system, electronic documents or User files

The liability exemption indicated in the previous paragraphs will apply in the event that NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. does not have effective knowledge that the activity or information stored is illegal or that it damages property or rights of a third party liable to compensation, or if they do, act diligently to remove the data and content or make access to them impossible.

6.4 User conduct.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. does not guarantee that the Users of the Website will use its contents and / or services in accordance with the law, morals, public order, nor these General Conditions of Use and, where appropriate, the Particular Conditions that may be applicable. Likewise, it does not guarantee the veracity and accuracy, completeness and / or authenticity of the data provided by the Users.

NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. It will not be liable, indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any nature arising from the use of the services and contents of the Website by Users or which may arise from the lack of veracity, accuracy and / or authenticity of the data or information provided by Users, or the impersonation of the identity of a third party carried out by a User in any kind of action through the Website.

The User acknowledges that he has understood all the information regarding the conditions of use of our Website, and acknowledges that they are sufficient for the exclusion of the error in them, and, therefore, accepts them fully and expressly.


The User acknowledges and accepts that any contractual or extra-contractual relationship that, where appropriate, formalizes with advertisers or third parties contacted through the Website, as well as their participation in contests, promotions, sale of goods or services, are understood to be made only and exclusively between the User and the advertiser and / or third person. Consequently, the User accepts that NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, SLU, does not have any type of responsibility for damages or losses of any nature caused as a result of their negotiations, conversations and / or contractual or extra-contractual relationships with advertisers or natural third parties or legal entities contacted through the Website.


Without prejudice to the liability for damages that may arise, NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its Website and / or the services and / or products offered without prior notice, at its own request or from a third party, to those Users who fail to comply with these General Conditions of Use and / or or the Particular Conditions that, where appropriate, are applicable.


The provision of the services and / or contents of the Website has an indefinite duration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. is empowered to unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, the provision of the service and the Website and / or any of the services, without prejudice to what has been provided in this regard in the corresponding Particular Conditions.


NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. will make use of the civil or criminal actions that by law correspond, in the event of any improper use of your domain on the Website. The relationship between NARCAR TRAIDING PARTS, S.L.U. and the User will be governed by current Spanish regulations and submits to the competent Courts and Tribunals in Madrid – Spain.